カリビアンコムや、エッチな4610、天然むすめの無修正が、1本から購入可能です! 18歳未満、入場厳禁

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Monger In Asia

Soi Six Teenie Bopper Blows Me For 15 Dollars!


Soi Six Teenie Bopper Blows Me For 15 Dollars! Nunu 画像

I’ll be honest - I’m not normally a Soi Six guy. Some guys swear by it、 but the street is just a little too chaotic for my taste. I’m a low-key kinda guy and I like to hunt in a more discreet manner. Still、 on occasion I like to wander down the Soi just for some variety and see if I can find any fresh new talent. Oftentimes new girls from the provinces will start out at Soi Six just to get some “training” before moving on to the bigger bars on Walking Street or LK Metro. If you’re lucky (and persistent) you can sometimes fuck some hidden gems. Well lucky for you guys、 I’m definitely persistent. I discovered this week’s hidden gem、 Nunu、 right outside of Roxy bar shyly watching the other girls catcall customers. One look at that adorable face and tight teen body and I knew I had my target acquired. Mamasan said Nunu had just arrived from Isaan three days ago (I knew it!) and only could give blowjobs. In the Philippines they call these girls “cherry girls” because they can’t fuck customers yet. I’m not sure what they call it in Thailand、 but I really didn’t care. Mamasan assured me that Nunu had been properly trained in the art of oral pleasure、 and she only cost 500 baht ($15) for an hour of fun. Great deal!Nunu didn’t disappoint! This beautiful little Thai teeny could surprisingly handle my size and gave a slow、 rhythmic、 reverent blowjob. It’s like she knew this was her purpose in life already and had solemnly accepted her new fate. And the way she drooled all over herself every time I thrust deep in her throat was so sexy!I finally blew a massive load of white creamy baby paste all over her innocent teen face and admired my handiwork as it dripped down to the floor. Good girl Nunu、 you’re learning how to serve foreign men! Next time I barfine you I’m gonna teach you how to use your other holes too!

タイトル / Soi Six Teenie Bopper Blows Me For 15 Dollars!
出演 / Nunu

動画提供サイト / Monger In Asia

価格 / 12.99ドル
割引価格 / ドル  (割引期間だけ、表示)

還元率 / レビュー投稿で 130 pt(10%)獲得

Soi Six Teenie Bopper Blows Me For 15 Dollars! Nunu 画像

再生時間 / 18 分
ファイルサイズ / 1,069 MB
画面サイズ / 1920x1080
ダウンロード可能期間 / 30 日間

ジャンル / HD ロリ スリム お姉さん ハメ撮り




 1 ここにしかないレーベル多数
    例 「池袋同人AVサークル」「オフパコちゃんねる」「個撮天国」… 
 2 運営終了した無修正サイトの、新作が継続
    例 「ガチん娘」「マニアックマックス」「Queen8」…

 3 入手不可能な「問答無用」「ザーメン道」などの作品を、今も購入可能
 4 値下げ、割引が多い
 5 レーベルによっては、一か月見放題プラン も有り


配信本数 36000本以上 単品5ドル~ 見放題15ドル と価格も安いですが


 ⇒ Hey動画

-Monger In Asia
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